Como cada mes, DC ha adelantado portadas y contenidos de los tebeos que publicará a cuatro meses vista, en este caso enero de 2007. Aquí os incluyo las solicitations y portadas de los tebeos que implican a mi "pipol", ya sea como portadistas, artistas interiores, o ambas cosas (en todos los casos en el orden estricto en el que han sido publicadas por DC). En cada caso, antes de la solicitation, os incluyo en negrita el nombre del autor. Si os apetece, pedidlo (quiero más participación por aquí, gente) y os iré enseñando cada día el proceso creativo de las portadas aquí incluidas...
Pero vamos a ello, ya...
- David López, nuevo número de Catwoman, y recopilatorio de sus seis primeros números como dibujante a lápiz de la colección, el cual no verá la luz hasta febrero del año que viene pero que se anuncia por adelantado:
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Adam Hughes
A new story begins — one that takes Catwoman out of the familiar confines of Gotham and straight into the heart of Metropolis! Holly is about to take the fall for the murder of Black Mask, and only a deal with the devil on Selina’s part can save her. Will it be Superman to the rescue? On sale January 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Adam Hughes
An inexperienced Catwoman takes over for Selina Kyle in this volume collecting CATWOMAN #53-58! Selina is busy caring for her child, but will it be too late for her to go back when she questions her decision to step away from her crimefighting life?Advance-solicited; on sale February 21 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US
- Al Barrionuevo (lápiz y tinta) y Marta Martínez (color), portada para Superman #660:

Written by Kurt Busiek & Fabian Nicieza
Art by Carlos Pacheco, Peter Vale, and Jesus Merino
Cover by Al Barrionuevo
Is Superman an angel? A messenger from heaven itself? One woman believes with all her heart, but her faith in Superman may lead to disaster. As Superman reels from the shattering revelations of “Camelot Falls,” Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza (ACTION COMICS: “Back in Action!”) re-team for a look at Superman’s earliest days in Metropolis, and a tale of hope, power and deadly repercussions featuring stellar artwork by Carlos Pacheco and new discovery Peter Vale!
On sale January 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
- Jesús Saiz y Santi Arcas: Portada e interiores, lápiz y tinta, y color, respectivamente, del nuevo número de la serie regular de Checkmate, y Jesús lápiz y tinta del primer tomo recopilatorio (también con salida en febrero, como el de Catwoman) de la colección, a la cual Santi se incoporó en su número 4):

Written by Greg Rucka
Art and cover by Jesus Saiz
“Pawn 502” concludes! All spy agencies have special forces. Only Checkmate has Shadowpact — but even magic may not stop a survivor of Luthor’s Everyman Project from blowing this op sky-high!
On sale January 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by Greg Rucka
Art and cover by Jesus Saiz
Collecting the first seven issues of the acclaimed new series from Greg Rucka! After the explosive events of INFINITE CRISIS and THE OMAC PROJECT, the U.N. formed Checkmate to bring down heroes and villains that get out of line. Now they use unique ability to deputize human and metahuman forces throughout the world in pursuit of its goal to hold the line. Advance-solicited; on sale February 21 • 168 pg, FC, $14.99 US
- Daniel Acuña, portada del número 8 de la serie regular de Flash, lápiz, tinta, y color:

Written by Danny Bilson & Paul DeMeo Art by Ron Adrian & Art Thibert Cover by Daniel Acuña
Smackdown on the Strip! Bart Allen’s dark twin Inertia lures the Fastest Man Alive to Vegas, determined to own the Speed Force at any cost.
On sale January 17 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
- Javier Pina, lápiz interior en el número 27 de Manhunter. Hummm, me suena ese tío de la portada... Je, je, je, la que se va a montar...

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Javier Pina & Robin Riggs
Cover by Howard Chaykin
The conspiracy widens in Part 2 of “Unleashed!” Don’t miss the biggest development yet in the case of the United States vs. Wonder Woman!
On sale January 3 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
- Al Barrionuevo, Bit, y Marta Martínez, lápiz, tinta y color, respectivamente, de los interiores de Martian Manhunter #8, con portada a lápiz y tinta de Barrionuevo, y color de Martínez. No hace falta que diga a qué personajes se rrefiere la solicitation, ¿verdad?

Written by A.J. Lieberman
Art by Al Barrionuevo & Bit
Cover by Barrionuevo
The miniseries heats up as DC’s strongest hero and smartest hero united against J’onn! A mysterious ailment which could only have come from Mars! And a murder committed by one of their own! The finish line is in sight. Will J’onn live to see it?On sale January 10 • 5 of 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
- Y por último, Daniel Acuña, dibujo tinta, y color, tanbto en portada, como en interior, del penúltimo número (o a lo mejor no) de Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters.

Written by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Art and cover by Daniel Acuña
Homeland Invasion! President Knight unleashes his metahuman army to take care of the Freedom Fighters once and for all. Will our nation’s capital become the final resting ground for Uncle Sam?
On sale January 24 • 7 of 8 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US