04 febrero 2006

Joe Quesada habla del futuro de Ramon Bachs...

Y como siempre, lo hace en su "Joe Fridays" para dicha Web. No es que diga todo, ni exactamente lo que va a hacer Ramón, claro, pero las pistas son muuuuy evidentes. Un poco de paciencia, y seréis permanentemente informados. Aquí va el trozo de texto de Quesada al respecto, y tras él... Anda, se me ha caído una imagen, ¿de dónde habrá salido? Sí, sí, ya sé que no es que se vea mucho, pero le iremos poniendo gafas a la pantalla, poco a poco, para que podáis ir viéndola mejor de aquí al... Exacto, el 22 febrero...

Os dejo con Quesada:

NRAMA: A few months back it was announced Paul Jenkins would take over as the Pulse writer post-Bendis, but we haven't heard much about it since.
And in his Newsarama column
a few weeks back, Jenkins implied his Marvel slate of projects had changed somewhat (though he hasn't yet explained what he meant). Do you have any insight, and does it affect the Pulse at all?
JQ: Yes, actually there has been a change. First of all, did you know that Paul Jenkins is a test pilot for her Majesties Royal Air Force? It's a huge secret that I swore never to tell, but heck since Joe Fridays is all about revealing stuff, there ya go!
So, here's the skinny. Paul and Ramon Bachs have been doing such an incredible job that we asked them to shift over to a different project that is very much like the Pulse in nature and involves many of those characters but is much more involved in the world of the upcoming Civil War.
The workload on this new project is going to be quite extensive and there was just no way the guys could do both. So, with Paul and Ramon bowing off of the Pulse and Bendis no longer involved with the book, we've decided to put the book on hiatus for the time being. We knew we had the perfect replacement for Bendis with Paul, but without Paul, we felt the book was going to suffer, so for the sake of the franchise and the fans, we're just going to let March's issue #14 be the last issue of the Pulse for the near future.
Now, as for what happens after Civil War, everyone's just going to have to wait and see. And for fans that were looking forward to Paul and Ramon on the Pulse, fear not, we'll be announcing their new project in a matter of weeks and I think everyone will be happy.

Y ahora, a coger manzanas... O imágenes... ¡O lo que sea! A ver si alguno os enterais de algo, ¡BWAHAHAHA!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Estimado David:
Acabo de ver tu blog después de leer tu jugosa entrevista en "zona negativa" y no puedo sino felicitarte por la gran labor que estás haciendo por la promocion y progreso de los profesionales españoles, ya era hora que alguien moviese ficha, enhorabuena, de verdad.
Estaría interesado en contactar contigo, si es posible, para mostrarte parte de mi trabajo (guión y dibujos) y conocer tu opinión sobre el mismo. Sería un placer ser representado por tí si estimas idóneos mi aptitud y estilo. Garantizo calidad profesional, no soy ningún aficionado (aunque no me corresponde a mí juzgarlo, perdona) y he realizado diversas obras para megamultimedia y laberinto, entre otros.
Espero no haber abusado de tu tiempo. Reitero mi felicitación por tu valioso esfuerzo y agradezco tu atención. Muchas gracias.

P.D: mi dirección electrónica es mlozano@arrakis.es